Shipping Schedule

Latest updates on our shipping schedule

Shipping dates may change without prior notice which may be caused by some uncontrollable circumstances. (Ship is in dry dock, mechanical problems, etc). These circumstances are out of Forex Cargo's control.

Estimated Delivery Time from Shipping Dates

We ship weekly so fill up your box now

Hurry as boxes are loaded into our containers at a 'first come - first in' basis. Forex ships more frequently, than any other Filipino Door-to-Door Company.

Note: To be fair to all our customers, Forex Boxes are loaded into our containers on a ‘first come-first in’ basis. When a box comes into our warehouse after the current scheduled container is full, subsequent boxes will automatically be loaded into the next scheduled container, again in a ‘first come, first-in’ basis.

Sea Freight Shipping Schedules:

Loading Ship Departs
Current: 10 October, 2024 Closed - Container Full 14 October, 2024 Delayed due to late arrival of vessel in Sydney caused by inclement weather. New departure date TBA.
Next: 18 October, 2024 Closed - Container Full 21 October, 2024 As per schedule given by the shipping company.
Following Next: 25 October, 2024 Open - Now Loading 29 October, 2024 As per schedule given by the shipping company.
Previous: 27 September, 2024 Closed - Container Full 7 October, 2024 Delayed due to late arrival of vessel in Sydney caused by inclement weather. New departure date TBA.

Delivery Estimates Timelines Per Province (Area)

Delivery timelines are from the date of departure of Vessel from Sydney port.

Metro Manila: Approx 5 to 6 weeks.

Luzon Province: Approx 6 to 7 weeks.

Visayas: Approx 7 to 8 weeks.

Mindanao: Approx 7 to 8 weeks.

There are no longer any available vessels traveling directly to Manila from Australia as previously. All vessels now pass through other ports before going to Manila which adds approximately 7-14 extra days to the previous transit time (ex. Transit to Manila port may be 3 -4 weeks, where previously was approx. 2 weeks).
Forex Cargo

Forex Cargo is the leader in cargo shipping services from Australia to the Philippines since the 90's. We are proud to be the bridge that binds families from two distinct countries, and that is why we handle each box you send to your loved ones with care.


Contact Us

18 Broadhurst Rd INGLEBURN, NSW 2565
NSW/ACT Phone: 02 8777 0000
SA/NT/WA Phone: 08 6393 7200
QLD Phone: 07 3463 8809
VIC/TAS Phone: 03 8736 7687
02 9826 7133

Copyright © 2016 Forex Cargo Pty Ltd ABN 45 602 869 214